MÄRKLIN REFRIGATOR CAR 4415.85107. (SAMMLERMODELL) Protoptype: Belgian state Railways (SNCB) type Ibes, advertiseing for Veuve Cliequot Ponsardin Champagne. Car no: 8039617-7. Length over buffers: 11,5 cm The model was introduced on the Belgian/Luxembourg market in 1985. (4415-17)
MÄRKLIN BEER CAR 4415-86004. Protoptype: Belgian state Railways (SNCB) type Ibes, advertiseing for Leffe Biere Belge. Car no: 8039637-7. Collectors item. The model was introduced on the Belgian/Luxembourg market in 1986. Produced in 500 units. Lengt over buffers: 11,5 cm